Hardie Grant - Super Sourdough by James Morton
Hardie Grant - Super Sourdough by James Morton

Hardie Grant - Super Sourdough by James Morton

Have you been bitten by the bread-making bug? Super Sourdough is about to become your new bible. Extensively researched and thoughtfully laid out, this cookbook is an instructional guide on how to master the art of making crisp, chewy and pillowy-soft sourdough bread at home. There are recipes galore in this book, including how to make everything from basic loaves and rolls to baguettes, bagels and buns. But the real handy sections in Super Sourdough are all the troubleshooting pages: tips on how to rescue a loaf gone awry and explanations of why bread-making needs to be done a certain way. You’ll never burn a bun, or over-feed your sourdough starter – yes, that’s a thing – again.

James Morton is an author, brewery owner and doctor based in Glasgow, Scotland. He is the man behind five books, many of them about bread and baking. Super Sourdough, his ode to everyone’s favourite kind of bread, is his most recent release.